Complete an Application

Receive a Toolkit
If your chapter application has been accepted, you will receive a chapter toolkit from Global Minds. It will include a copy of the curriculum, leadership guides, t-shirts, and lots of other goodies!

Recruit Chapter Leadership
The Global Minds toolkit will provide guidelines for leaders, including tips on recruitment and meeting facilitation.

Plan Programming
Using your Global Minds toolkit, which includes a multitude of fun, educational, and engaging activities, planning programming will be simple for your chapter.

Get to Know the Global Minds community!
Create an account on the Global Minds Hub. Share your pictures, stories, and knowledge with local and global Global Minds community.

Diverse Student Population
Global Minds Initiative specifically targets school districts with ethnically and racially diverse student population

Potential for Youth-Adult Partnership
Global Minds Initiative is youth-led and adult allies are an integral part of ensuring the program is sustainable and inclusive